The Meadows Student Council

student council


Qualities of a Good Student Council Officer

Being a Student Council officer is a lot of fun; it is also a big responsibility. 
Good leaders, those who perform such a task, are people who:

          *are willing and able to speak in front of large audiences

          *are good listeners

          *are fair and honest

          *complete class assignments

          *follow all class and school rules

          *work independently

Student Council Constitution
Article One (Name)
The name of this organization shall be The Meadows Elementary School Student Council,hereinafter called the Council.
Article Two (Purpose)
The purpose of the Council shall be to:
1. Strive for good citizenship.
2. Respect all individuals in the school and community.
3. Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be.
4. Promote school spirit.
5. Give all students practice in democracy in action.
6. Provide service to groups in our school and community.
Article Three (Membership)
Section 1: All students in Grade 3, 4 and 5 shall have the opportunity to make application to and serve in the Student Council, to vote and to offer ideas for Student Council action.
Section 2: All members of each year’s third, fourth, and fifth grade class are eligible to become a student council member. An application and membership agreement must be completed and signed by parents/guardians.
Section 3: The Student Council shall have an elected leadership team. The leadership team shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Recorder who are elected by the entire third, fourth and fifth grade.
Section 4: The principal of Acton Elementary School shall be the final authority over all actions of the Student Council.
Article Four (Eligibility for Member in Good Standing)
Section 1: (Qualifications) A student who wishes to be a candidate for the Student Council shall:
1. Be a good citizen in the classrooms, on the playground, in the lunchroom, and when representing our school in the community, on campus or away.
2. Be a hard-working and diligent student.
3. Relate well to other students and adults.
4. Be interested in being a Student Council member in good standing.
5. Cumulative grade point average of 70 or above.
6. Passing grades in all academic subjects for the current year.
7. Regular school attendance.
8. Enrolled in the 5th grade.
Section 2: (Nominations & Election of Officers) Each student in grade 5 will be eligible for running for Student Council Office if requirements are met. Our leadership team will consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Recorder. Campaign speeches shall take place in a 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade level assembly. Each student in grades 3, 4 and 5 will vote by secret ballot. The student receiving the majority of votes shall be declared the winner.
Section 3: (Powers and Duties) Each Student Council member shall be responsible for performing the duties of membership including: attend leadership and committee meetings, be an active voice for students in the school, complete committee service responsibilities, set a good example for others, and show school spirit.
Article Five (Officers and Sponsors)
Section 1: The officers shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Recorder.
Section 2: (Elections) The election of officers shall take place no later than the last week in September of each school year and shall follow procedures approved by the Principal. There will be no cost associated with holding an office in the Acton Elementary Student Council.
Section 3: (Duties and Powers) The officers shall have the powers and duties listed for each office. All elected Student Council officers will attend an orientation to school leadership at no cost.
Section 4: (Term of Office) The term of office for all officers shall be one calendar year, from the completion of the elections to the last day of school.
Section 5: (Sponsors) The Sponsors shall be members of the school staff who shall be responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a sponsor. Sponsors shall file a calendar of activities to be approved by Principal. Sponsors shall attend a student council workshop annually.
Article Six (Removal from office)
Any officer or representative may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Student Council membership for poor attendance at Council meetings, failure to perform required/requested duties, unsatisfactory academic performance, or failure to follow school rules or class rules.
Article Seven (Meetings)
Section 1: Student Council meetings shall take place at least once a month to conduct the business of the council. The Student Council membership will decide each year the appropriate meeting dates and times.
The meeting dates and times will be placed on the calendar of activities. For example: first Tuesday of the month at 2:45 p.m. An agenda shall be prepared and handed out to each member at the beginning of the meeting. Student Council members may initiate agenda items. All items for agenda must be submitted to the sponsor two days before a meeting. Additional agenda items may be added at the beginning of each Student Council meeting by a majority vote of Council members. If a quorum (half of Council members
plus one) is not present for a meeting, no Council action may be voted upon.
Article Eight (Voting Procedures and Rules)
Section 1: Each member shall have one vote.
Section 2: All motions require a second; all motions require (for passage) a majority vote of the Council members.
Section 3: Any and all actions of the Student Council are not official until approved by the Principal.
Article Nine (Amendments)
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Student Council members.

 If you have any questions or need to contact someone about student council email: [email protected]