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Contact: Queen Amen 972 224-0960 [email protected]


Nurse's Corner

DeSoto ISD

Health Services Department

 Daily Medication Policy 

 Each year, beginning the first day of classes, you will need to send a new doctor’s statement form (filled out by the physician) which has your signature at the bottom of the page giving us permission to administer the mediation as prescribed. The medication you bring to school must be in the most recently dated medication prescription bottle. The bottle instructions need to match the doctor’s statement, no exceptions. Medications will not be reduced or increased without the form signed by the doctor giving the written instructions. Again, the bottle must match the instructions.

 This is required so that your child will have a safe experience while taking medication at school and this will reduce the possibility of medication errors. At times there are substitutes and other school employees, designated by the principal to administer medications. If the written prescriptive medication instructions and bottles from the pharmacy do not match, it will cause confusion and therefore increase the possibility of errors. Please cooperate in our efforts to provide a safe clinic environment. We will not give medications that do not meet the guidelines as set forth by our policies and procedures manual.

 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.